When there is peace among religions

I believe that “Faith”, not fact is the basis of all religions and that religion is the product of the human mind trying to explain our existence.

There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, and many other books that were rejected from each for one reason or another, yet not one was attributed to the hand of God, such as were the 10 commandments said to have been.

Considering how many different religions and bases for those religions there are it is someone of a singular mind that believes there can be but one true creation theory.

Closing one’s mind to other possibilities means that a religious person has decided that they, and they alone, has the knowledge of existence, of the universe, and of man. Such a person would therefore be smarter than any other being on earth as we as a species cannot fathom the knowledge of creation. It is still beyond us, yet religious people have decided that they have found the knowledge to determine from whence all things came.

It means they have studied all other possibilities, that they have studied all creation theories and religions, delved into the mechanics of all sciences and without doubt has found the one true answer, forsaking all others.

It is the inflexibility of those who have religious faith that has caused more strife in this world than those whose mind is open to not just one possibility, but all possibilities. I say all possibilities as we do not possess the mental capacity to see the one true creation based on analysis of all things, from all time and space.

Religious beliefs are man’s creation, our way to put into a comprehensible form, something which we will perhaps never be able to understand. Religious concepts of a God creator are part of the religious mechanisms we humans use to define ourselves in context with the universe and existence.

Just as the Prophet Muhammad founded the religion of, Islam many others have founded religions based on their personal concepts of creation. Sikhism for example, was founded by Guru Nanak in India in the 15th Century CE. It did not exist before Nanak chose it to be.

It is for that reason, that religion defining creation is suspect. It is man’s creation and its Gods are creations of man.

Now, having said that, never lose your faith, but always question it because once you have found your god, you cease to grow.

I leave you with this one thought from the Dalai Lama:

“When there is peace among religions, there will be peace in the world.”