"In the beginning" is perhaps the one phrase that has led to
the most destruction due to our different interpretations and beliefs that we
attribute to the beginnings of life, time, our universal home and indeed, our
own existence.
Consider the list below; it is an indication of the categories of
different creation theories, each category having numerous different mutations
of the main theory within.
Science - Big Bang Theory; Cosmology: Evolution;
Large Hadron Collider; Out of Africa ;
Paleontology; Panspermia and
Exogenesis; Physical Sciences; Precession of the Equinoxes
Mathematics -
12 round 1 Geometry; Sacred
Geometry; Fibonacci Numbers; Tube
Torus; Flower of Life; Metatron's Cube; Vesica Piscis; Fractals ; Chaos Theories
Reality as a Consciousness Hologram -
Consciousness; Ellie's Theories; Holographic Universe Reality
Mythology - Adam and Eve; Creation Myths by Country and
Civilization; Native American Creation
Myths; Origin Beliefs, Creation Myths
Gods and Goddesses - Ancient Astronaut Theory; Ancient Civilizations; Clockwork Universe Theory; Creationism; Gods and Goddesses Files; Earth's History in Art; Hermeticism, Hermes; Intelligent Design ; Sumerian Gods, Reptilians, Dragons,
Metaphors; Flood Stories, Gilgamesh,
Essentially, the
universe was "created" in man's mind and it is in man's mind to be
either tolerant or intolerant of another’s concept or belief in the creation.
We as a species find it intolerable that the universe (and others concepts of
the universe) do not adhere to our individual beliefs and we are prepared to do
whatever it takes to ensure that our beliefs are the one and only belief.
Fundamentalists and extremists and cults and to some degree, main stream
religions all behave in the same way...."My way or No way"...and that
concept has led to more bloodshed than has any other.....