An open mind

Much of my career has been in analytical fields such as financial computing, geophysical surveys, database development and even teaching. So, when I read a book or do some study on a subject that interests me, the analytical side of me tends to be dominate. 

Much of what I read regarding religion seems to be based on writings unproven, and on writings of numerous people who may have quoted / misquoted or added to previous writings. Just as “The holy book of Islam”, the Qur’an, was jotted down on bits of skin and palm-leaves, and not published until about 100 years after the Prophet Muhammad’s death, so too was the Bible a delayed version(publication) of what Jesus was attributed with saying and doing. (Some say as early as 50 years AD)

Metaphorically speaking, I found that much of what I read on religion was dependent upon seeing something white, then seeing something black, and drawing a conclusion that something else must therefore be grey. Not a good way to write something touted as being "gospel" while attempting to prove a point.

Over the years I have written or compiled a number of books about various subjects such as submarines of WW1, a collection of Christmas stories and poetry, a collection of art through the ages (based on the art displayed in the Musée du Louvre,) a few others and also a series of 26 children’s books about a child’s summer adventures.

I have also written (published) numerous blogs with my thoughts about various subjects and people that have interested me. There is one about “Guns for Brains” delving into man’s obsession with and use of guns. It is about how people use guns rather than brains to resolve issues.

Another is about the “bright” spots of humanity where individuals have done something which makes them stand out above all others. Not just historically recognized great people but also the common individual who has risen to a challenge and dominated it. (Such as Vasili Arkhipov, the man attributed with stopping a nuclear war before it started)

Another is designed to make people think, where a picture is worth more than a thousand words and challenges the reader to think beyond what they are being fed by the media.

I mention these publications / writings as what I write in this blog "The Primates Oration", are my collective thoughts based on many sources. Some, I have written to one of the many blogs I created. Some is from my research into the Islamic faith, and still other parts are from studies into science and language.

I ask that you read the material with an open mind. I do not write with the intent of striping you of your faith, but to open your mind to other concepts, to perhaps learn something new.